Saturday, July 30, 2011

coming full circle

Self-reflection comes at the strangest times and when it does, you can't brush it away like a pestering mosquito - you have to sit with it, marinate in it, and be willing to ride that sucker to the end.

This time last year I was essentially unemployed, had moved out of my parents' house, and was seriously contemplating changing career paths as frustration had set in. I was qualified for nothing but was willing to try anything....well....almost anything.

Hit fast forward >>. Suddenly I've found a way to combine my existing psychology degree with my new-found love for teaching and TA-DA! Magic, freakin' magic. Part of me thinks that the reason for my struggle and strife was to teach me patience - and lots of it. I mean seriously, I work with Junior High kids, THAT'S patience! But if you would have told me that the reason I had no job, no money and a big stack of rejected resumes was that I was supposed to be learning something, I probably would have told you to stick it.

Patience is a big lesson to learn. As a highly industrialized, urbanized, technologically advanced, Tweeting, status-updating, texting, blue-toothing society, we don't often have to wait more than a couple minutes for what we want. We are so used to this type virtually instant-gratification, that when we are told "not right now" and made to wait, we get cranky. Really cranky.

Solution? Stop. Take a deep breath. Count your blessings and tell that guy behind you in line at the grocery store to quit rushing you. Why? You're teaching him a lesson.

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